The format and content of the remuneration report are reviewed each year with a view to presenting information consistently, concisely and in a form that complies with the Corporations Act 2001. In line with stakeholder feedback, this year the Group has continued to provide voluntary disclosure of actual remuneration received by the Group's Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer (Group CEO) and the executive team. Actual remuneration is provided in addition to the statutory reporting of remuneration to increase transparency about what an executive actually received during the year.
IAG delivered an improved performance for the year ended 30 June 2012, meeting both GWP growth and insurance margin guidance. In line with this performance, the short term incentives (STI) awarded to the Group CEO and the executive team are, on average, higher than last year. Each executive's STI outcome is closely linked to the financial performance of the Group, as well as to the execution of his or her division's strategic goals.
In addition the Group CEO and the executive team were rewarded under IAG’s long term incentive (LTI). IAG’s performance against its peer group, all entities within the S&P/ASX 100 Index, resulted in the total shareholders’ return (TSR) performance hurdle being met for executive performance rights (EPR) granted in the year ended 30 June 2009. This resulted in 66% of the rights linked to the TSR hurdle vesting. The portion of EPR granted in the same period subject to the return on equity (ROE) hurdle did not result in any vesting as ROE did not meet the required performance level. The EPR granted under the ROE portion will lapse.
The remuneration structure for IAG's Group CEO and the executive team has not changed over the last year and is summarised below:
Fixed Remuneration
− Base salary and superannuation
− Attract and retain high quality people
At Risk Remuneration
Cash STI
− 2/3 of STI outcome paid as cash in October
− Align reward to shareholder interests
− Strike a balance between short and long term results and reward for exceptional performance
− Retain high quality people
Deferred STI
− 1/3 of STI outcome is deferred over a period of two years, subject to ongoing employment conditions
− Provided as grant of rights in the form of deferred award rights
− The actual value of shares will depend on the future share price
− The IAG Board has discretion to adjust downwards to protect the financial soundness of the Group or to ensure an appropriate reward outcome
− Provided as grant of rights in the form of EPR
− 3–5 year period
− Subject to performance hurdles of relative TSR and ROE being achieved
− The IAG Board has discretion to adjust downwards to protect the financial soundness of the Group or to ensure an appropriate reward outcome
− Align reward to shareholder interests
− Align remuneration with longer term financial performance
− Retain high quality people
The IAG Board is confident that IAG's remuneration policies are in line with governance requirements and continue to support the Group's financial and strategic goals and to attract the right people, which ultimately benefits shareholders, customers, employees and the community.
Brian Schwartz
523 453
208 203
24 24
– –
– –
– –
– –
755 680
Yasmin Allen
166 161
63 68
16 15
– –
– –
– –
– –
245 244
Peter Bush Director since 7 December 2010
162 89
28 15
17 9
– –
– –
– –
– –
207 113
Phillip Colebatch
162 156
18 18
16 16
– –
– –
– –
– –
196 190
Hugh Fletcher
162 156
109 107
17 16
– –
– –
– –
– –
288 279
Anna Hynes
162 156
34 32
18 17
– –
– –
– –
– –
214 205
Philip Twyman
165 159
55 50
16 15
– –
– –
– –
– –
236 224
(A) This balance included the portion of the company's superannuation contribution that the Directors elected to receive as cash instead of paying it into their nominated superannuation funds.
2012 remuneration snapshot
The table below shows the actual remuneration that all current executives received during the financial years ended 30 June 2012 and 2011. This voluntary disclosure includes fixed pay, other benefits and leave accruals, cash STI paid as well as any deferred STI or LTI that vested in the relevant financial year.
Executives (including executive director) who are Key Management Personnel (KMP)
Mike Wilkins
Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer
1,992 1,915
230 119
1,567 1,104
4,923 3,760
Justin Breheny
Chief Executive Officer, Asia
877 845
310 18
587 429
185 174
2,255 1,582
Andy Cornish
Chief Executive Officer, Australia Direct
990 936
75 42
600 610
2,068 1,720
Ian Foy
Chief Executive Officer, United Kingdom
698 666
371 575
200 14
1,661 1,610
Peter Harmer
Chief Executive Officer, Australia Intermediated (CGU)
KMP since 8 November 2010
932 591
62 23
– –
1,498 889
Nick Hawkins
Chief Financial Officer
956 910
93 52
305 113
2,082 1,686
Jacki Johnson
Chief Executive Officer, New Zealand
863 808
124 23
296 117
1,960 1,465
Leona Murphy
Chief Strategy Officer
862 801
58 36
251 41
1,822 1,392
(a) Fixed pay (base salary and superannuation) included an average pay increase of 4.1% effective September 2011.
(b) Changes in other benefits and leave accruals from the prior year were mainly due to:
■ annual and long service leave accruals increased for all executives (except for Mr Foy who is not entitled to carry forward accrued leave
based on the UK legislation); and
■ for those executives located overseas, other benefits in the year ended 30 June 2012 including:
– Mr Breheny, relocation costs and accommodation of $252,000 relating to his relocation to Singapore;
– Mr Foy, retention payments of $335,000 (£218,000) and other recurring allowances and benefits of $36,000; and
– Ms Johnson, accommodation allowances and other benefits of $45,000
For remuneration details provided in accordance with the Accounting Standards, see page 30 of the remuneration report in the 2012 annual report.