Our memberships and partnerships
Building climate and disaster resilience and supporting the climate transition requires a collaborative, multi-stakeholder approach. By sharing our understanding of climate risks and opportunities and partnering with governments, industry and other organisations, we can help support systemic change.
Below are our global and Trans-Tasman initiatives, and our community partnerships that support our climate action, disaster resilience and Indigenous Engagement priorities, as well as our broader community presence.
Global initiatives
The Geneva Association
As the leading international think tank of the insurance industry, The Geneva Association has prioritised Climate Change and Environment as one of its seven research topics. Insurers and other stakeholders play a role in mitigating and adapting to the challenges of climate change.
In 2020, IAG collaborated with the Geneva Association on the Flood Risk Management in Australia report, part of the Building Flood Resilience in a Changing Climate series. The report noted the high levels of insurance penetration in Australia and called for flood management funding to be reallocated from response and recovery to mitigation and resilience.
Principles for Sustainable Insurance (PSI)
The PSI initiative was launched as part of the United Nations Environment Programme Finance Initiative, and serves as a global framework for the insurance industry to address environmental, social and governance risks and opportunities.
IAG was a founding signatory to the PSI in 2012 and regularly discloses progress against its four core principles.
Through the PSI Initiative, we were part of a pilot group to establish insurance industry climate risk disclosures in line with recommendations of the Financial Stability Board’s Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD). The pilot enabled industry benchmarking and informed our ongoing approach to risk assessments, scenario analysis and climate-related disclosure. The final PSI TCFD report, Insuring the climate transition: Enhancing the insurance industry’s assessment of climate change futures, was published on January 2021.
US National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR)
NCAR is an international leader in climate science. It leads, promotes, and facilitates innovation in atmospheric and related earth sciences, improving our understanding of changes to the climate and severe weather under past, present and future scenarios. NCAR works with private and public partnerships to meet the demands of scientific challenges.
IAG and NCAR work on joint initiatives to apply the latest climate modelling to better understand how weather events like tropical cyclones, hailstorms and rainfall will change in the future and have published findings in peer-reviewed journal articles.
IAG and NCAR have released two editions of the Severe Weather in a Changing Climate report, the first in November 2019, the second in September 2020.
The reports discuss the changing risk of multiple types of natural disasters impacting Australia. In contributing to the reports, IAG made a deliberate decision to publish its internal research to help other stakeholders across our industry better understand physical climate risk.
Trans-Tasman initiatives
Australian Sustainable Finance Institute (ASFI)
AFSI is a collaboration formed to help shape an Australian economy that prioritises human wellbeing, social equity and environmental protection, while underpinning financial system resilience and stability. IAG is a Founding Member, and our Chief Financial Officer sits on the Board.
IAG is an active contributor to ASFI’s development of an Australian Sustainable Finance Taxonomy, which includes holding a position on the Steering Committee for the project.
In 2022, IAG participated in a roundtable discussion on mobilising the investment needed for Australia’s Net Zero target. It was an opportunity to highlight the barriers to investment and how government can help to upscale investment needs. IAG provided further feedback on market opportunities to support the transition, including addressing land planning and building codes.
Climate Leaders Coalition (CLC) New Zealand
The CLC is a membership organisation that was launched in July 2018 to promote business leadership and collective action on the issue of climate change. The Coalition is focused on helping New Zealand transition to a low emissions economy. In line with the Paris Agreement, the Coalition has pledged to keep warming below 2°C and to further pursue efforts to limit temperature increase to 1.5°C.
IAG is a founding signatory of the Coalition, sits on the CEO Steering Group and co-chairs its Climate Adaptation Working Group, promoting greater focus on climate adaptation. IAG inputs into CLC advocacy on climate-related issues and collaborates with members on shared challenges.
Insurance Council of Australia (ICA) Climate Change Action Committee (CCAC)
The ICA CCAC aims to take action that will assist and support Australia’s transition to a resilient and low carbon economy and continue to offer affordable and accessible insurance products in a climate changed future.
IAG is an active member of the ICA’s Climate Change Action Committee, including the current Chair of the Data and Knowledge sub-committee. As part of the committee IAG contributes to the knowledge base of climate risks and risk reduction opportunities and identifies projects to improve understanding and address gaps. IAG also contributes to the ICA Net Zero Working Group.
In 2023, IAG provided case studies and contributed to the targets and recommendations captured in ICA's Climate Change Roadmap “Towards a Net Zero and Resilient Future”, which sets out how insurers can achieve net zero emissions.
Insurance Council of New Zealand (ICNZ) | Ko Te Kāhui Inihua o Aotearoa
ICNZ is a representative body established to represent fire and general insurance companies, governed by a board of 10 members. The Council’s mission is to promote and shape a responsive and sustainable insurance industry to safeguard Aotearoa New Zealand.
IAG sits on the board of the ICNZ and chairs several standing committees, including its Climate Change Committee, which focuses on advocacy and industry alignment on emissions reduction and climate change adaptation.
IAG contributes to ICNZ submissions on climate and ESG related issues and also collaborates with members on issues like scope 3 emissions measurement.
Sustainable Business Council (SBC)
The SBC is New Zealand’s peak sustainability membership organisation that aims to mobilise New Zealand’s most ambitious businesses to build a thriving and sustainable future for all. SBC is focused on three core strategic outcomes: championing businesses to be at the forefront of environmental and social sustainability; accelerating the transition to a zero-carbon future where people and nature thrive; and growing prosperous and inclusive businesses and communities.
IAG is an active participant in the SBC workstreams and is promoting an increased focus on climate change adaptation within the climate change work program. IAG New Zealand's CEO also sits on the SBC Board.
To stay up to date with IAG’s government engagement, visit the IAG Government Submissions Newsroom.
To learn more about IAG’s research contributions, visit the IAG Research hub.
Community partnerships
Aboriginal Carbon Foundation (AbCF)
The AbCF catalyses life-changing, community prosperity through carbon farming, Cultural Fire Credits, and strength-based community development. AbCF aims to build wealth for Traditional Owners, implementing carbon projects that demonstrate environmental, social and cultural core benefits through the ethical trade of carbon credits.
The AbCF and IAG aim to collaborate on Aboriginal cultural fire management and carbon farming projects across NSW expanding into Victoria and South Australia in the near future
The Australian Business and Community Network (ABCN)
The ABCN is a not-for-profit organisation that connects volunteers from businesses with schools to provide workplace-based mentoring programs to address educational disadvantage and help build students’ confidence and skills to prepare them for further education and the workforce.
IAG partners with ABCN to connect staff with students from low socio-economic status schools through mentoring and partnership programs. In 2022, 90 professional mentors and volunteers from IAG provided support to 312 students from 15 different schools across Australia.
Australian Red Cross
Australian Red Cross is a humanitarian aid and community services charity in Australia, and an auxiliary to government. IAG is a community preparedness and response partner of Australian Red Cross.
Primarily through our NRMA Insurance brand, IAG and Australian Red Cross work together to build community resilience and support people and businesses to prepare for, respond to and recover from emergency events. This includes the co-creation of the Get Prepared app, the NRMA Insurance Wild Weather Tracker and the NRMA Insurance First Saturday of the Season campaign.
Brisbane Sustainability Agency (BSA)
BSA is part of Brisbane City Council and delivers sustainability programs in South-East Queensland, focusing on climate resilience and behaviour change. NRMA Insurance has partnered with BSA to help communities in South-East Queensland understand the increasing risk to their homes from more frequent and more intense storms.
BSA and NRMA Insurance have partnered to trial Storm Check, which aims to help people make their homes more resilient.
CareerSeekers is a non-profit organisation supporting Australia’s humanitarian entrants into professional careers. The program provides in-depth preparation and support to both refugees and people seeking asylum who are either currently studying at university or looking to restart their professional career in Australia.
IAG has partnered with the CareerSeekers New Australian Internship Program since 2019, supporting 32 participants with 53 internships across our business. Since the partnership began, 11 CareerSeekers interns have converted into permanent roles at IAG with 4 of these due to join the IAG Graduate Program in 2024.
CareerTrackers is a national purpose-driven organisation that supports pre-professional Indigenous university students and links them with employers to participate in paid, multi-year internships. IAG has had a partnership with CareerTrackers since 2013.
Over the 2022/2023 summer internship period, we welcomed 9 CareerTrackers interns into IAG. Since our partnership began, IAG has provided a total of 138 internships through the CareerTrackers program. Since 2013, 95 of IAG’s CareerTrackers interns commenced full time employment upon completion of their university degree, and 13 CareerTrackers interns converted into permanent or contract roles at IAG.
Cricket Australia (CA)
CA is the national governing body for the game of cricket in Australia. Australian Cricket is administered by CA and its members, the six state and two territory associations including over 4,000 grassroots community cricket clubs nationally.
NRMA Insurance became naming rights partner of the men’s test series in 2022. We are the official insurance partner for both men’s and women’s cricket. As proud helpers of Australian Cricket, NRMA Insurance has positioned itself at the heart of cricket communities by providing much needed grants to help clubs thrive whether that be with equipment, membership subsidies or increasing their diversity and inclusion programs.
First Foundation
Since 2008, NZI has partnered with First Foundation to provide a 4-year scholarship, helping talented young New Zealanders who are from lower socio-economic backgrounds navigate the journey from school through higher education and into a meaningful career. First Foundation has two key elements: financial and educational, which are split across a 3-pillared model – financial assistance, mentoring and work experience.
The NZI Austin Hemmings memorial scholarship is awarded to a student each year, based on their alignment in values and aspirations of the late Austin Hemmings. Since 2008, NZI has provided over 15 students with both the financial assistance and work experience to kickstart their early careers.
GIVIT is an online donation platform, where people can ask the community for what they need. IAG is the National Disaster and Emergency partner of GIVIT, working together to help communities access urgently needed items and support after extreme weather events.
In 2021, IAG provided funding to GIVIT as part of the 2-year COVID-19 Relief Program to support communities impacted by COVID-19, and natural disasters. This was bolstered in 2022, when IAG worked with GIVIT to provide support to communities affected by the East Coast Floods through the NRMA Insurance Help package.
Habitat for Humanity New Zealand
Habitat for Humanity New Zealand has a mission to address housing need and build a world where everyone has a decent place to live. AMI supports Habitat’s philosophy, as we know that safe and stable homes help to build strong and healthy families, as well as more resilient communities. Our partnership aims to create safe and healthy homes together.
AMI enables Habitat to increase visibility and advocacy of their Home Repair and Progressive Home Ownership programmes. In 2022 we commissioned the inaugural Aotearoa Housing Survey with Habitat to help understand the scale of the issue and support more New Zealanders to enjoy better living conditions. Our people have also lent a hand to local communities by volunteering through Habitat’s programs.
James Cook University (JCU) Cyclone Testing Station
JCU is an academic facility developed to minimise loss and suffering through research, testing and community education on the response of homes and other low-rise buildings to severe weather events. IAG supports ongoing work such as post damage surveys, in-depth resilience analyses and development of schemes.
IAG provides continued support to the JCU Cyclone Testing Station and is part of the Technical Advisory Committee. IAG also supports the ongoing program of work investigating resilient aspects of properties such as the North Queensland Strata Title Inspection Program and Queensland Government Housing Resilience Scheme.
Jawun is a not-for-profit organisation which manages secondments from the corporate and public sectors to a range of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander partner organisations in urban, regional and remote communities across Australia, enabling secondees to share their skills and learn from these communities to create change.
Since the launch of IAG’s first Reconciliation Action Plan in 2013, IAG has partnered with Jawun to offer virtual and ‘in place' secondments in the Central Coast of NSW and Central Australia. Over that time, 50 IAG staff have participated in a secondment, supporting 19 Indigenous organisations across 6 regions in Australia, spending 295 weeks in community.
Just Reinvest NSW
Just Reinvest NSW is a not-for-profit organisation that works to reduce the overrepresentation of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders in the criminal justice system. Just Reinvest supports Aboriginal communities to establish their own solutions and initiatives for change, to build safer and stronger communities.
In 2021, IAG partnered with Just Reinvest NSW to support the development of a Learner Driver Mentor Program in Mount Druitt (NSW) alongside the Australian Red Cross, which aims to reduce the incarceration rates for driving-related offences among Indigenous Australians. The program is currently being transitioned to be led by Just Reinvest NSW with the opportunity to expand into new communities through our partnership.
Lifeline is Australia’s leading suicide prevention service, providing access to 24-hour crisis support, mental health support and emotional assistance. IAG through our NRMA Insurance brand partners with Lifeline to support communities affected by recent extreme weather events and COVID-19.
Through our partnership with Lifeline we fund and support critical tele-health suicide prevention services for communities impacted by natural disasters.
NSW Rural Fire Service (NSW RFS)
The lead combat agency for bushfires in NSW, and widely acknowledged as the largest volunteer fire service in the world. Through our NRMA Insurance brand, we are working with the NSW RFS to help NSW communities better prepare for bushfires.
Throughout fire season each year (November to February), the NRMA Insurance helicopter is on standby and ready to support our partner NSW RFS within 15 minutes of dispatch. In January 2020, NRMA Insurance supported the NSW RFS with its bushfire-fighting efforts by trialling a new biodegradable, non-toxic fire retardant via the NRMA helicopter.
Resilient Building Council (RBC – formally Bushfire Building Council of Australia)
The RBC is an independent, not-for-profit organisation translating research into tangible action to reduce climate and disaster risk for households, communities, governments and industry. IAG is proud to be working with the RBC on world-first projects that increase resilience and protect lives.
Through our NRMA Insurance brand, IAG has collaborated with the RBC on the FORTIS House project, aimed at providing resources for Australians wanting to build sustainable homes resilient to extreme climate events. IAG and the RBC are also working on the Bushfire Resilience Star Rating system, focused on helping people living in bushfire risk areas assess and adapt their homes for bushfire resilience.
South Australia State Emergency Service (SA SES)
SA SES is a volunteer-based organisation with around 1,700 volunteers across South Australia, assisting the community in times of flood, storm and heatwave. Through our NRMA Insurance brand, we are Principal Partner of the SA SES. Together, we are helping South Australians better prepare for storms and floods.
The partnership with SA SES was launched in 2022 and supports storm preparedness campaigns to raise awareness of how to better prepare for and respond to storms and provide community engagement resources to help local units run targeted community preparedness programs.
Working towards a more equitable Aotearoa by building stronger Maori career pathways through our Workplace Experience programme and TupuToa partnership. The TupuToa Internship program is an employment pathway that provides professional opportunities for Māori and Pacific university students in corporate, government and community organisations.
In the 2022-2023 summer period, IAG provided two 12-week paid-internships for tertiary students, engaging our interns in everyday projects and creating workplace goals and objectives. This provided them the necessary experience and exposure in their chosen field of study or interest.
To stay up to date with IAG’s community partnerships and initiatives, visit IAG’s Community Newsroom.