If you wish to speak to a representative about your IAG shareholding:
Computershare Investor Services Pty Ltd
GPO Box 4709
Melbourne VIC 3001
Phone: 1300 360 688 / +61 (0)3 9415 4210
Fax: +61 (0)3 9473 2470
Email: iag@computershare.com.au
IAG Investor Relations
Level 13, Tower 2
201 Sussex Street
Sydney NSW 2000
Phone: +61 (0)2 9292 9448
Email: investor.relations@iag.com.au
Buying and selling shares
IAG has the following securities listed on the Australian Securities Exchange (ASX):
- Ordinary Shares (ASX code: IAG)
- Capital Notes 2 (IAGPE)
The current market price can be found on the share price page.
These securities can be purchased or sold through a registered stockbroker. The ASX operates a stockbroker referral service and can be contacted on 1300 300 279 or via the ASX website (by accessing this link you will be transferred to a third party site that is being provided for your convenience).
You may also wish to check your local telephone directory to contact a stockbroker near to you.
If you do not have a relationship with a stockbroker, our share registrar has a convenient online share sale facility called Investor Trade, which provides a secure and easy way for you to sell shares without the need to sign up with a stockbroker.
Investor Trade provides details of costs upfront, which are deducted from total sale proceeds. If you are interested in using this service, or wish to learn more, please log on to Investor Trade. Please note: to use this service you will need your Shareholder Reference Number (SRN) and registered postcode.
If you are an Australian or New Zealand resident, you can use Investor Trade to sell all or part of your ordinary shares in an issuer-sponsored shareholding that is below A$50,000 in value. The shares must be in your name (no account designation) and you must have a registered address in either Australia or New Zealand.
The four major Australian banks also offer a stockbroker facility. You can contact them as follows:
- ANZ Share Investing 1300 658 355
- CommSec 13 15 19
- nabtrade 13 13 80
- Westpac Online Investing 13 13 31
The fee for trading securities varies between stockbrokers and we recommend you contact a number of stockbrokers to determine which broker best suits your needs.
If you wish to purchase or sell securities but would like more information, you should seek independent financial advice.
IAG's ASX-listed securities are not listed on any overseas exchanges. In addition, IAG has an issue of Unsecured Subordinated Convertible Notes which trades on the NZX Debt Market in New Zealand.
If you wish to have your issuer-sponsored holding recorded through your broker on the CHESS sub-register, then you should contact your broker to arrange this.
Managing my shareholding
Keeping your details, such as postal and email addresses and dividend payment instructions, up-to-date is easily done online. Follow the instructions below to check and update your details.
- Access the Computershare Investor Centre where you can follow the prompts to log in as either an existing or new user.
- Once you are logged in, click on ‘My Profile’ on the right hand side under your name and select the information you wish to update.
Alternatively, you can call the IAG share registry on 1300 360 688 (Australia) or +61 (0)3 9415 4210 (internationally).
If you have an issuer-sponsored holding you will need to contact Computershare or IAG’s Investor Relations team at investor.relations@iag.com.au. You will need to provide your name, date of birth, phone number and the address on your shareholding.
If you have a broker-sponsored (CHESS) holding, then you will need to contact your sponsoring broker.
To change the name on your holding, you will need to download and complete a Change of Name form and include any supporting documentation.
Transfer of ownership and deceased estates
If you wish to transfer your shares to another person, other than through selling your shares on the ASX, you will need to complete a Transfer Form. You can locate the form by logging on to the Computershare Investor Centre or by downloading the Standard Transfer form.
The standard transfer form requires you to provide a state or territory of registration. IAG is registered in the Australian Capital Territory.
We know the process of managing a deceased estate can seem complicated. Computershare has an online tool to assist in the management of deceased estates, and provides assistance with the forms required via the following checklist links:
If you are unsure of any details of the holding please contact the Computershare Investor Centre (1300 360 688) or IAG Investor Relations (02 9292 9448).
Dividend and interest payments
The DRP is currently operating and is available to holders of ordinary shares with a registered address within Australia and New Zealand. For more information and an enrolment form please visit the Dividend Reinvestment Plan.
You can also enrol via the Computershare Investor Centre by clicking on the My Profile section.
If you are registered with an overseas address you can receive payment by cheque in Australian dollars.
Australian resident investors only receive payment by direct credit or, if you hold ordinary shares that participate in the DRP, via the issue of additional shares.
If you wish to change your nominated bank account please log into the Computershare Investor Centre or contact Computershare or IAG Investor Relations.
If you have not received a dividend payment advice from us, please call or email our Share Registry or IAG investor Relations to confirm your address details and find out whether there are any unpaid dividends.
If a holding has no nominated bank account, dividends cannot be issued and will be held. If you wish to add a nominated bank account to your holding you can do so online or lodge a Direct Credit form.
IAG’s dividend policy in future years will be to distribute 60-80% of Net Profit After Tax (NPAT) excluding any after-tax earnings impact from any future release from the business interruption provision.
The fixing and payment of dividends is subject to the discretion of the Board. The timing and amount of dividends, if any, and the level of franking, depends on, among other things, IAG's:
- financial condition;
- operating results;
- cash requirements;
- future prospects;
- any contractual, legal or regulatory restrictions on the payment of dividends by IAG; and
- any other factors deemed relevant.
Interest payments on the Capital Notes are expected to be made every quarter, in arrears on or about 15 March, June, September and December. Interest payments are subject to the interest payment tests set out in the respective prospectuses.
Unclaimed money
If a shareholding has been marked as lost for a period of six years or more due to postal mail being returned or undelivered, dividends and shares may be transferred to the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC). To claim any shares or outstanding dividends that have been transferred, you need to contact ASIC via its website or on 1300 300 630.
Dividend payments that remain outstanding for six years or more may have been transferred to the Office of State Revenue (OSR). You will need to contact OSR on 1300 366 016 to claim any dividends that may have been transferred.
If you are unable to complete the unclaimed money form as you do not have proof of your previous address, please contact IAG Investor Relations to request proof of shareholding. When emailing IAG please provide any information that would assist us in verifying your holding.
If you have been contacted by a money finder offering to help you locate lost funds, this may be a result of outstanding IAG dividend payments or shares transferred to ASIC.
You can contact IAG investor relations, ASIC (1300 300 630) or the OSR (1300 366 016) to help you locate your outstanding money.
Tax information
Shareholders who acquired shares through the NRMA Demutualisation can download the ATO tax information sheet (March 2001). It applies only to IAG shareholders who are Australian residents and does not apply to shares held as trading stock or revenue assets. IAG shares, issued to you as a result of demutualisation of NRMA Insurance Limited, are taken to be acquired on 19 June 2000 at $1.78 per share for tax purposes. This needs to be further adjusted if those shares remain held after 1 November 2018, as a result of the capital return conducted on 26 November 2018 – see below for further details.
If you bought up to 181 additional shares through the Listing Facility, which IAG (formerly NRMA Insurance Group Limited) offered at demutualisation of NRMA Insurance Limited, you are taken to have acquired them on 8 August 2000 at a cost of $2.75 per share. This needs to be further adjusted if those shares remain held after 1 November 2018, as a result of the capital return conducted on 26 November 2018 – see below for further details.
If you acquired your shares via an on-market purchase, you will need to refer to your contract note or stockbroker for the purchase cost. For shares purchased before 1 November 2018, the cost base needs to be adjusted to reflect the capital return conducted on 26 November 2018 – see below for further details.
If you were a shareholder on the Record Date (1 November 2018) for the Capital Management Initiative, you were paid 19.5 cents per share as a capital return and 5.5 cents per share as a fully franked dividend on 26 November 2018. In addition to this, a share consolidation was undertaken such that every pre-existing ordinary share was converted into 0.9760 ordinary shares. The cost base for each IAG share will be reduced by the return of capital amount (on a cents per share basis). Please refer to some worked examples.
You are not required to quote your TFN or ABN or exemption code. However, if you choose not to provide your TFN, ABN or exemption code, and you are an Australian resident for taxation purposes, IAG is required to deduct tax at the highest rate, plus the Medicare levy, from any unfranked portion of your dividend. Collection of TFNs is strictly regulated by taxation laws. If you wish to quote your TFN or ABN or exemption code, manage your shareholding please provide your TFN or ABN details, or by contacting the Share Registry or Investor Relations.
If you are unsure as to whether you fall within an exemption code, the exemption code number which is relevant to you or whether you require a TFN or ABN, you should contact the Australian Taxation Office on 1300 720 092.
AGM and annual report
Details of all upcoming shareholder events can be found in the key dates section of our website. Shareholders receive information about the meeting prior to the AGM.
Annual reviews and/or annual reports are sent to shareholders who elect to receive a copy. You can also view our current annual review and annual report online, as well as all of our previous reports to shareholders in the annual reports section of IAG’s website.
Receiving your shareholder communications (including the annual report and the annual review) electronically is the best way to stay informed and will assist IAG with its commitment to minimising paper usage.
If you haven’t already, we encourage you to make the switch to paperless communications and provide us with your email address. To make the change, go to www-au.computershare.com/Investor and follow the prompts.
You can elect how you would like to receive certain documents including annual reports and documents related to members’ meetings (for example notices of meeting and proxy/voting forms) as follows:
- You can make a standing election to receive the documents in physical or electronic form;
- You can make a one-off request to receive a document in physical or electronic form; or
- You can tell us if you do not want to receive a hard-copy of the Annual Report. Of course, you will always be able to access and read our Annual Report when it is published on our website and the ASX platform.
To tell us your preference, go to www-au.computershare.com/Investor and follow the prompts.