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ASX announcements
IAG announcements filed with the ASX are available below.
2024 announcements
- 04/01/2024 IAG confirms 2024 reinsurance protection (123.14 KB)
- 12/01/2024 Notification regarding unquoted securities (28.58 KB)
- 15/01/2024 Notification of cessation of securities (23.28 KB)
- 16/01/2024 Notification regarding unquoted securities IAG (24.96 KB)
- 16/02/2024 Notification of buy-back (12.86 KB)
- 16/02/2024 IAG announces 1H24 results (300.83 KB)
- 16/02/2024 IAG 1H24 Results Presentation (1.06 MB)
- 16/02/2024 IAG 1H24 Appendix 4D and Half-Year Report (4.45 MB)
- 16/02/2024 Dividend Distribution IAG (16.45 KB)
- 16/02/2024 Dividend Distribution IAGPE (16.74 KB)
- 04/03/2024 Proposed issue of securities - IAG (19.7 KB)
- 04/03/2024 IAG launches Capital Notes 3 offer (2.05 MB)
- 05/03/2024 IAG announces Margin on Capital Notes 3 (66.76 KB)
- 06/03/2024 Application for quotation of securities IAG (20.47 KB)
- 12/03/2024 Capital Notes 3 Replacement Prospectus (1.27 MB)
- 18/03/2024 Update - Dividend Distribution IAG (20.61 KB)
- 18/03/2024 Update - Notification of buy-back - IAG (17.63 KB)
- 18/03/2024 Dividend Distribution IAGPE (22.64 KB)
- 20/03/2024 Update - Notification of buy-back - IAG (21.4 KB)
- 22/03/2024 Update Notification of buy-back IAG (21.42 KB)
- 26/03/2024 IAG issues $350 million of Capital Notes 3 (207.28 KB)
- 27/03/2024 Dividend Distribution IAGPF (22.63 KB)
- 28/03/2024 Update - Notification of buy-back - IAG (21.42 KB)
- 02/04/2024 IAG appoints Robert Cutler as Group General Counsel (63.45 KB)
- 03/04/2024 Change of Director's Interest Notice Tom Pockett (205.41 KB)
- 03/04/2024 Change of Directors Interest Notice Wendy Thorpe (186.49 KB)
- 04/04/2024 Update - Notification of buy-back - IAG (15.54 KB)
- 05/04/2024 Update - Notification of buy-back IAG (21.42 KB)
- 08/04/2024 Update - Notification of buy-back - IAG (15.54 KB)
- 09/04/2024 Update - Notification of buy-back - IAG (15.54 KB)
- 10/04/2024 Update - Notification of buy-back - IAG (21.42 KB)
- 11/04/2024 Update - Notification of buy-back - IAG (21.42 KB)
- 12/04/2024 Update - Notification of buy-back - IAG (21.42 KB)
- 12/04/2024 Notification regarding unquoted securities - IAG (19.76 KB)
- 12/04/2024 Notification of cessation of securities - IAG (19.42 KB)
- 15/04/2024 Update - Notification of buy-back - IAG (21.42 KB)
- 15/03/2024 Notification of cessation of securities - IAG (19 KB)
- 16/04/2024 Update - Notification of buy-back - IAG (21.42 KB)
- 17/04/2024 Update - Notification of buy-back - IAG (21.42 KB)
- 18/04/2024 Update - Notification of buy-back - IAG (21.42 KB)
- 19/04/2024 Update - Notification of buy-back - IAG (15.54 KB)
- 22/04/2024 Update - Notification of buy-back - IAG (21.42 KB)
- 23/04/2024 Update - Notification of buy-back - IAG (21.42 KB)
- 26/04/2024 Update - Notification of buy-back - IAG (15.55 KB)
- 30/04/2024 Update - Notification of buy-back - IAG (21.42 KB)
- 01/05/2024 Update - Notification of buy-back - IAG (21.42 KB)
- 02/05/2024 Update - Notification of buy-back - IAG (21.42 KB)
- 03/05/2024 Update - Notification of buy-back - IAG (21.42 KB)
- 06/05/2024 Update - Notification of buy-back - IAG (21.42 KB)
- 07/05/2024 Update - Notification of buy-back - IAG. (21.42 KB)
- 08/05/2024 Update - Notification of buy-back - IAG (21.42 KB)
- 09/05/2024 Update - Notification of buy-back - IAG (21.42 KB)
- 10/05/2024 Update - Notification of buy-back - IAG (21.42 KB)
- 10/05/2024 Update- Final Notification of buy-back - IAG (20.97 KB)
- 16/05/2024 Notification of cessation of securities - IAG (18.89 KB)
- 20/05/2024 Redemption of $350 million Subordinated MTNs (207.62 KB)
- 23/05/2024 Change of registry address notification (60.1 KB)
- 28/05/2024 IAG to defend class action (62.94 KB)
- 07/06/2024 Introduction to IAG investor presentation (607.65 KB)
- 17/06/2024 Notification of cessation of securities - IAG (18.92 KB)
- 28/06/2024 IAG long-term reinsurance agreements and financial update (721.41 KB)
- 12/07/2024 Notification regarding unquoted securities - Performance and Awards Rights - IAG (26.9 KB)
- 12/07/2024 Notification of cessation of securities - IAG (18.81 KB)
- 12/07/2024 Notification regarding unquoted securities - IAG (19.5 KB)
- 21/08/2024 IAG FY24 Appendix 4E and Annual Report (9.61 MB)
- 21/08/2024 Dividend Distribution - IAG (16.46 KB)
- 21/08/2024 IAG Announces FY24 Results (390.39 KB)
- 21/08/2024 IAG Appendix 4G and 2024 Corporate Governance Statement (3.15 MB)
- 21/08/2024 Dividend Distribution IAGPE (16.54 KB)
- 21/08/2024 Dividend Distribution IAGPF (16.54 KB)
- 21/08/2024 Notification of buy back IAG (12.89 KB)
- 270824 Director's Interest Notice - Wendy Thorpe (198.82 KB)
- 30/08/2024 Change of Director's Interest Notice - Nicholas Hawkins (197.97 KB)
- 30/08/2024 Notification of cessation of securities - IAG (12.99 KB)
- 30/08/2024 Notification regarding unquoted securities - IAG (15.68 KB)
- 03/09/2024 Notification regarding unquoted securities - IAG (16.54 KB)
- 10/09/2024 Change of Director's Interest Notice - George Sartorel (158.2 KB)
- 16/09/2024 Dividend Distribution - IAGPE (16.53 KB)
- 16/09/2024 Dividend Distribution - IAGPF (16.53 KB)
- 17/09/2024 Notice of Annual General Meeting / Proxy Form (1.24 MB)
- 21/09/2024 Update - Dividend/Distribution - IAG (16.65 KB)
- 23/09/2024 Update on business interruption policyholder class action (63.99 KB)
- 30/09/2024 Update Notification of buy-back - IAG (15.5 KB)
- 02/10/2024 Change of Director's Interest Notice - Tom Pockett (205.47 KB)
- 02/10/2024 Change of Director's Interest Notice - Wendy Thorpe (195.85 KB)
- 021/0/2024 Update - Notification of buy-back - IAG (15.52 KB)
- 03/10/2024 Update - Notification of buy-back - IAG (15.52 KB)
- 03/10/2024 Director to retire from IAG Board (65.82 KB)
- 09/10/2024 Update - Notification of buy-back - IAG (21.4 KB)
- 10/10/2024 Update - Notification of buy-back - IAG (21.39 KB)
- 10/10/2024 Final Director's Interest Notice - Jon Nicholson (169.99 KB)
- 14/10/2024 Notification of cessation of securities - IAG (13.59 KB)
- 14/10/2024 Notification regarding unquoted securities - IAG (15.72 KB)
- 15/10/2024 Update - Notification of buy-back - IAG (15.53 KB)
- 17/10/2024 Update - Notification of buy-back - IAG (21.4 KB)
- 18/10/2024 Update - Notification of buy-back - IAG (15.52 KB)
- 23/10/2024 Update - Notification of buy-back - IAG (15.53 KB)
- 24/10/2024 IAG AGM Addresses (1.89 MB)
- 24/10/2024 2024 IAG AGM Voting Results (105.13 KB)
- 28/10/2024 Notification of cessation of securities - IAG (13.08 KB)
- 31/10/2024 Update - Notification of buy-back - IAG (15.53 KB)
- 01/11/2024 Update - Notification of buy-back - IAG (15.53 KB)
- 06/11/2024 Update - Notification of buy-back - IAG (15.52 KB)
- 13/11/2024 Notification regarding unquoted securities - IAG (22.21 KB)
- 13/11/2024 Change of Director's Interest Notice - Nick Hawkins (197.96 KB)
- 13/11/2024 Change of Director's Interest Notice - Wendy Thorpe (196.06 KB)
- 21/11/2024 Change in substantial holding (1.57 MB)
- 21/11/2024 Change in substantial holding (1.57 MB)
- 28/11/2024 IAG and RACQ enter long-term strategic alliance (477.96 KB)
- 28/11/2024 Resignation of Group Company Secretary (60.13 KB)
- 29/11/2024 Notification of cessation of securities (13.06 KB)
- 02/12/2024 Change of Registered Office Address (61.06 KB)
- 02/12/2024 2025 Calendar of Key Dates (112.42 KB)
- 03/12/2024 IAG Investor Day 2024 (1.93 MB)