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Online direction of voting - common questions
Q. What is Direct Voting?
A. Direct Voting is a form of voting that allows shareholders to cast their vote, either online or by completing their personalised voting form, on resolutions of a meeting without having to attend the meeting in person and without needing to appoint a proxy to vote on their behalf.
Q. Can I still appoint a proxy?
A. Yes, you may still appoint a proxy by either marking the Chairman of the Meeting, viewing Regular Appointees and making a selection, or entering the full name of the person you wish to appoint as your proxy in step 3 of the Investor Vote system.
Q. How do I logon to lodge my voting instructions online?
A. When voting is open, select the Annual General Meeting button on the IAG home page at The AGM page will have a link to the Direct Voting site which will connect you to the online voting site.
Alternatively you can log on directly to the Direct Voting site at
Q. How do I complete my voting form online?
A. After logging on to the Investor Vote site you will be requested in Step 1, to enter your Holder Identification Number (HIN) or your Shareholder Reference Number (SRN) and the postcode of your registered address. (Your SRN/HIN can be found in the top right hand side of your voting form).
Your HIN/SRN is 10 digits and has a prefix of an 'X' or an 'I' (this is not a 1 (one)). If you live outside Australia you should select the drop down box titled “Reside Outside Australia” and your country of residence as shown on your registered address.
You will also be asked if you would like to either Cast your vote using your entire holding, Split your vote or Cast your vote directly. Select the option you wish to use and then the Login button in the bottom right corner of this screen and follow the simple instructions to complete your voting intentions online.
Q. How many votes do I have?
A. For every ordinary fully paid share that you hold, you are entitled to one vote. Therefore if you hold one thousand shares, you are entitled to one thousand votes.
Q. How many proxies am I allowed to have?
A. You are entitled to appoint up to two persons (or corporations) as proxies to attend the meeting on your behalf and vote. After you have read the instructions page and select 'I Agree', you will be asked if you would like to appoint either the Chairman of the Meeting or another person or corporation.
If you wish to appoint a second proxy simply select this button and then appoint your second proxy. You will need to indicate the percentage of shares that each proxyholder is entitled to vote on your behalf.
This only applies if you choose not to split your vote on the first page. If you do split your vote, you can only appoint one proxy using the online system. If you would like to split your vote and appoint two proxies, you will need to lodge a paper proxy.
Your directions on how to vote will be applied to both your nominated proxies.
Q. Can I amend my direct vote or proxy vote once it has been submitted?
A. Yes, you can log back in and amend your vote as long as it reaches Computershare Investor Services Pty Limited 48 hours before the date and time of the AGM.
Q. What happens to my vote if I appoint a proxy and elect to leave it 'Open'?
A. By electing 'Open', your appointed proxy can decide which way to vote on the day of the meeting on your behalf.
Q. How do I know that I've voted online?
A. Once you have confirmed your voting instruction, you will be able to add an email address for a confirmation to be sent to you. There will also be a blue 'print' button that will enable you to print the page as confirmation.
Q. What would happen if I tried to cast a direct vote or appoint a proxy more than once?
A. The system will not allow you to lodge a second direct vote or appoint your proxy and direct them how to vote more than once. If you try, the system will ask if you would like to amend your existing instruction.
Q. Can I appoint my proxy online if I am an employee?
A. Yes, you can direct your proxy how to vote online. Simply follow the same procedure as identified above.