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Submission on the digital economy
30 Nov 2017
IAG welcomes the opportunity to provide feedback on the discussion paper The Digital Economy: opening up the conversation.
IAG has built a strong reputation on understanding the unique needs of Australians and being a steadfast supporter of the community. We take pride in helping consumers understand insurance so they can make confident choices to protect the things they value.
The digital economy is transforming the way people conduct their day to day activities and carry out their obligations. IAG is committed to exploring valuable propositions and emerging technologies that have the potential to shape the industry and deliver favourable customer experiences. The driver for innovation at IAG is the customer and their communities. Each digital strategy is developed with this cohort in mind. Our mission is to put the customer at the centre and through experimentation, build and deliver products, services and businesses, that will meet the needs of IAG customers of tomorrow.
A culture of innovation is not something IAG can achieve alone. There is a need for the private sector, government and the community to collaborate to drive an innovative culture that will, in turn, deliver favourable customer experiences and ensure Australia remains competitive in international markets.