Gross written premium 11,805 11,367 11,440 9,779 9,498
Gross earned premium 11,692 11,411 11,525 9,721 9,135
Outwards reinsurance premium expense (3,227) (3,183) (1,196) (1,077) (817)
Net premium revenue 8,465 8,228 10,329 8,644 8,318
Net claims expense (5,263) (5,397) (6,941) (5,201) (4,982)
Underwriting expenses (2,185) (2,116) (2,847) (2,303) (2,178)
Underwriting profita 1,017 715 541 1,140 1,158
Net investment income on assets backing insurance liabilities 241 463 562 439 270
Management reported insurance profita 1,258 1,178 1,103 1,579 1,428
Net investment income from shareholders’ funds 249 97 223 396 347
Other income 182 204 187 199 175
Share of net profit/(loss) of associatesb 19 17 6 (8) (29)
Finance costs (93) (99) (107) (98) (95)
Corporate and administration expensesc (224) (423) (383) (255) (208)
Amortisation expense and impairment charges of acquired intangible assets and goodwill (57) (54) (80) (11) (25)
Profit before income tax 1,334 920 949 1,802 1,593
Income tax expense (329) (218) (119) (472) (424)
Profit after tax from continuing operations 1,005 702 830 1,330 1,169
Loss after tax from discontinued operation (287)
Net profit attributable to non-controlling interests (76) (77) (102) (97) (106)
Net profit attributable to IAG shareholders 929 625 728 1,233 776
Ordinary shareholders’ equity ($ million) 6,562 6,563 6,817 6,568 4,786
Total assets ($ million)d 29,597 30,030 31,402 29,748 24,859
Gross written premium growth 3.9% (0.6)% 17.0% 3.0% 11.8%
Loss ratioe 62.2% 65.6% 67.2% 60.2% 59.9%
Expense ratiof 25.8% 25.7% 27.6% 26.7% 26.2%
Combined ratiog 88.0% 91.3% 94.8% 86.9% 86.1%
Insurance marginh 14.9% 14.3% 10.7% 18.3% 17.2%
Dividends per ordinary share fully franked (cents) 33.00 36.00 29.00 39.00 36.00
Basic earnings per ordinary share (cents) 39.03 25.79 31.22 56.09 37.57
Diluted earnings per ordinary share (cents) 37.72 25.34 30.45 53.62 36.44
Ordinary share price at 30 June ($) (ASX: IAG) 6.78 5.45 5.58 5.84 5.44
Convertible preference share price at 30 June ($) (ASX: IAGPC) 101.50 101.60 106.44 101.88
Capital notes price at 30 June ($) (ASX: IAGPD) 106.53
Reset exchangeable securities price at 30 June ($) (ASX: IANG) 103.40 100.00 103.10 107.00 102.80
Issued ordinary shares (million) 2,367 2,431 2,431 2,341 2,079
Issued convertible preference shares (million) 4 4 4 4
Issued capital notes (million) 4
Market capitalisation (ordinary shares) at 30 June ($ million) 16,048 13,249 13,565 13,671 11,310
Net tangible asset backing per ordinary share ($)d 1.36 1.30 1.34 1.27 1.38

a The amounts for 2016 financial year are presented on a management reported (non-IFRS) basis which is not directly comparable to the equivalent statutory (IFRS) figure. A reconciliation between the two is outlined in the Operating and Financial Review section of the 2017 annual report.

b Share of net profit/(loss) of associates includes regional support and development costs.

c Includes a $198 million impairment of capitalised so ware for 2016 and a $60 million impairment of the investment in Bohai Insurance for 2015.

d The financial information for 2014 has been restated to reflect the fair value adjustments to the net assets acquired in respect of the former Wesfarmers business in 2014.

e The loss ratio refers to the net claims expense as a percentage of net premium revenue.

f The expense ratio refers to underwriting expenses as a percentage of net premium revenue.

g The combined ratio refers to the sum of the loss ratio and expense ratio.

h Insurance margin is a ratio of insurance profit over net premium revenue.