Our commitments
Progress against our commitments
Our objective | Our commitment | Measure | Progress update end of 2018 financial year |
Make your world a safer place | Create safer, stronger and more confident communities through business, employee and community programs | % progress against shared value measure (SVM) |
The SVM tracks community impact, employee involvement and business impact. Eight indicators feed into this measure including
the perception of safety and resilience of people who interact with our programs, employee engagement
with the Safer Communities work and customer advocacy scores. In financial year 2018, we recorded
a baseline score of 52.9%.
Status: |
Reduce our lost-time injury frequency rate (LTIFR) annually | Number of lost-time injuries per one million hours worked |
Realising the benefits of a diverse and inclusive workforce | Increase the number of women in senior management (WISM) to 40% in Australia and 50% in New Zealand by 2020 | % women in senior management |
WISM across IAG Group increased from 33.7% to 34.5% by the end of the 2018 financial year, including:
Increase Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander employment to represent 1.5% of the Australian workforce by November 2018 | Number of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander employees |
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander employees made up 0.96% of our workforce by the end of the 2018 financial year. Increasing
this has been challenging due to retention and measurement systems. To continue to progress on
this target we have made improvements to our governance and management systems. We will reset
and publicise our targets in line with a new Reconciliation Action Plan in 2019.
Status: |
Continuous environmental improvement | Maintain carbon neutrality commitment | Carbon neutral status | We remain carbon neutral by purchasing offsets from projects in our markets that help us make
communities safer and more resilient. Information is available on our website.
Status: |
Long term emission reduction targets in line with our vision on climate change | Introduction of science-based emission targets for Scope 1 and 2 activities |
We met our 2020 target for absolute reductions ahead of time so in 2018 we set new targets. We used science-based approaches
to keep our emissions in line with our view to limit climate change to no more than 2°C
from pre-industrial levels. Based on the models suitable for our business, our targets
cover our scope 1 and 2 emissions, which in the 2018 financial year were 34,198 tonnes
Our new targets for scope 1 and 2 emissions (tonnes CO2e) are:
• 2020: 27,441 • 2025: 19,360 • 2030: 9,933 • 2050: 1,972 Status: |
Continuous improvement in overall emissions footprint |
Our overall group GHG emissions at the end of the 2018 financial year showed little change compared to the start of the year
– this was a result of decreasing emissions in our buildings and fleet being offset by increasing
emissions from air travel. We see this as a temporary impact as our business partnering programs
develop. We will continue to develop emission reduction initiatives across all of our emissions
and through interactions with suppliers, investors and customers.
Status: |
Demonstrating leadership through our sphere of influence | Maintain an effective management system to manage and monitor environmental, social and governance risks in our supply chain and work with our partners to enhance social outcomes and resilience | Maintenance of effective policies, processes and tools for risk management and monitoring Positive impacts on ESG topics via supply chain |
In 2018, IAG improved management system elements to execute policies and positions that were updated in 2017. This includes expanded due diligence processes and tools to manage our supplier-related risks and real-time media monitoring for adverse events related to material, high and medium risk suppliers.
In the 2019 financial year, we will continue to work to embed forward-looking management and monitoring on key social issues and potential environmental, social and governance risks in our supply chain. Status: |
Increase the number of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Supply Nation suppliers used across IAG to 12 (both Tier 1 and Tier 2) (by December 2018) | Number of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander suppliers |
We continued to implement and maintain our plan to support the growth of Indigenous enterprise through selective procurement. With our partner Supply Nation, we surpassed our target and have engaged with 18 suppliers by the end of the 2018 financial year. We will reset and publicise our targets in line with a new Reconciliation Action Plan in the 2019 financial year. Status: |
Affordable and transparent protection for all | Leverage customer insights, agile methods and a data-driven approach to develop and test solutions that respond to evolving customer needs and help enhance resilience and social inclusion | Number of products, services or innovative solutions launched |
In 2018, we assigned accountability and ownership of access and affordability to an executive sponsor, and developed a suite of initiatives in our Customer Inclusion Program. Our work includes training our people to support customers at risk of mental illness and family violence, and exploring insurance products that best serve Indigenous Australians.
Status: |
For our commitments, the following symbols illustrate progress: Achieved
Significant progress In progress Some
New commitment
1 Data presented to reflect the LTIFR as recorded at 30 June 2018. Each year we adjust LTIFR data to reflect LTIs substantiated after the original report date. The Australian LTIFR was restated from 1.84 to 2.39 for the period 1 July 2016 to 30 June 2017