The AGM will be held at the City Recital Hall, Angel Place,
Sydney on Wednesday, 21 October 2015, commencing at
10.00am. A map with directions to the venue appears on the
inside front cover of this booklet.
The following pages contain details on the items of business
for the meeting, as well as explanatory notes and voting
At this year’s AGM you will have the opportunity to vote on:
the adoption of the Remuneration Report as set out on pages
16 to 35 of the 2015 Annual Report;
the allocation of share rights in the form of Deferred Award
Rights and Executive Performance Rights to Michael
Wilkins, Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer;
the re-election of Directors, Alison Deans and Raymond
Lim. These Directors are retiring by rotation in accordance
with the Company’s Constitution (
) and are
offering themselves for re-election;
the election of three new Directors, Elizabeth Bryan,
Thomas Pockett and Jonathan Nicholson, who have been
appointed to the Board of Directors of IAG (
) since
the last AGM and offer themselves for election; and
Resolutions to refresh IAG’s capacity to issue new securities
following the issue of securities in June 2015.
If you are unable to attend the AGM in person you may
vote directly or appoint a proxy to act on your behalf.
You may register voting instructions electronically at
or complete and return the enclosed
voting form using the pre-addressed envelope provided.
The AGM will be webcast live and may be viewed at
An archive of the webcast will be available on the site
shortly after the AGM concludes.
A shareholder who is entitled to vote at the AGM may also
submit written questions for the Company or the Company’s
external auditor in advance of the AGM. Questions should be
about the business of the Company or the content of the 2015
Annual Report. A shareholder question form is enclosed for
your convenience and this form can be returned with your
voting form in the pre-addressed envelope provided. You can
also submit questions online at
Alternatively you may lodge both your voting form and
shareholder question form by fax to +61 (0)3 9473 2555 or
hand deliver both forms to our share registry in Sydney at the
address shown on page 3.
I look forward to seeing you at the AGM.
Yours sincerely,
I am pleased to invite
you to attend the
2015 AGM of Insurance
Australia Group Limited